How do you know if you have recovered from a workout?

Exercise load is the relationship between the duration and intensity of physical activity and recovery. The level of physical fitness and the different methods of recovery, such as adequate sleep, nutrition, and active rest, play an essential role in the load
When talking about development, it is important to remember that development does and should take place in more than just physical terms. The fact that you have learned to train more efficiently or have a better feel for your training than before is equally development, even if your results have not improved.
Signs of recovery include the desire and motivation to train. It is very important to monitor your mind and your general state of health. There should be a certain 'hunger' to train, so that you go into training feeling energized. When you recover, you will also feel refreshed for everyday life and work and sleep well. You won't suffer from unusual pain, and you'll progress in your training.
On the other hand, when you are under-recovered, training is a chore, and you feel drained. Negative thoughts may creep into your head. You may find it hard to fall asleep or wake up in the middle of the night. Heavy night sweats can also be a sign of poor recovery. Your muscles feel stiff and empty all the time; you can't really "get out." Performance drops.
If you notice that your recovery could use some work, take a light week off training or spend some time doing something else. Then schedule more frequent deload weeks into your training program at regular intervals. You should also use tools such as a heart rate monitor to monitor your workload. Don't exercise when you're sick.
And remember, if one workout goes badly, worry not, as many other things can lead to a bad workout or a sluggish training style than too much load.